Next week on the 2nd June there is a free session from the PMOSIG taking place at the Shell Centre on London’s South Bank. The event is open to anyone interested in PMO and specifically in this session it’s the people challenges that will be covered.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows;
4.00-4:30 Registration Tea/Coffee
4:30 – 4:40 Welcome and setting the context
4:40- 5:40 Session I – Andy Taylor of People Deliver Projects
This session will take the form of a debate by the group i.e. not a presentation. We would avoid: Tools, methods, structures etc, and instead look at people and relationships. The eventual outcome would be a recommended ‘spec’ for the development needs for PMO professionals, but the main thrust of the debate would be to identify:
- The most important and challenging relationships for PMO members
- The behaviours that are encountered and need to be dealt with
- The people skills that the best PMO members exhibit
And it would be interesting to ask the overall key questions:
- How important is this need? And
- How well satisfied is this need right now?
To add some interest and robustness there would be an on-line survey which brings some parametrics to the table.
5:40- 6:40 Session II –Donnie MacNicol of Team Animation
PMO/EPMO/SEO – it’s not what you call it, its you do with it that matters
- Who is a PMO for? What value can a PMO add to them? How does business perceive and measure value? How well do we understand executives and what drives them?
- If a PMO is for the business leaders, how do you identify what is important to them and then maximise the value – objective and subjective?
- How do you design a PMO to fit the context and culture of an organisation? How do you engage the business and sustain that engagement?
- What skills are therefore required, as discussed in the earlier session from those who lead and manage the PMO?
6:40 – 7.00 PMOSIG Final Session
An opportunity to decamp to a local bar or pub for further networking after the meeting – depending on who is up for it!
To register your interest in attending you can book through the website and it’s free to attend